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動物 線上看 116分钟

電影 希臘 / 奧地利 / 保加利亞 / 塞浦路斯 / 羅馬尼亞 2023 索菲亞·埃克薩爾丘  迪米特拉·弗拉霍布魯  Flomaria Papadaki  Ahilleas Hariskos  Chronis Barbarian 



Under the hot Greek sun, the animateurs at an all-inclusive island resort prepare for the busy touristic season. Kalia is the leader of the pack. Paper decors, glossy costumes and dance shows fill the stage. As summer intensifies and the work pressure builds up, their nights become violent and Kalia’s struggle is revealed in the darkness. But when the spotlights turn on again, the show must go on.